This folder contains a kit to perform a conversion from a mailbox file, such as that used by Eudora, to a tab-separated-value file format, suitable for import into FileMaker Pro, Excel, or anything that can read TSV files. There are four parts to the kit:
0) Readme But, then, you knew that didn't you?
1) mailbox to tsv This is the Perl script droplet. MacPerl 5.06r1m or later is required to run it usefully. Drop the mailbox files onto the applet, or double click the applet to be prompted for a file. The converted files will be put into the same folder with the suffix .tsv appended. The fields are shipped as follows:
Subject Subject field of message
From Originator of message
Sender Disseminator of message
Reply-To Where replies are returned to (repeating)
To Receiver list (repeating)
Cc Additional receiver list (repeating)
In-Reply-To Message-ID for originals (repeating)
Date RFC822 date field
Message-Id Message-ID of this message
References Message-ID for originals (repeating)
Keywords Keywords (repeating)
Comments Comments
Newsgroups Newsgroups posted to (repeating)
Miscellaneous All non-excluded headers not given above (repeating)
Day day month year (as controlled by the $DateFormat variable)
Time hh:mm:ss
Body Body of the mail message
2) eudora.db This is the FileMaker Pro 3 file. It is shipped as a stationery file, because it may be more useful that way. This is a bare-bones file designed to demonstrate the importation process. A much better, general purpose, mail database file is available from <>. eudora.db contains three useful scripts.
a) Import TSV Imports new records into the database. NOTE: It is essential that you set the file type to "Tab Separated File" in the file selection dialog to work around a Filemaker deficiency.
b) Sort By Subject Sorts by the Base Subject field and the Follow Up field and the day and the time. This will achieve a similar affect to what mailer software does.
c) Sort By Date Sorts by the day and the time fields.
3) mailbox to tsv.prefs Contains the Perl fragments required to customize the applet. The parameters are:
TitleLine Print the headers (above) on the first line of the output file
Paragraphize Combine word-wrapped lines into paragraphs (default off)
Separator Date separator character (default /)
DateFormat Date format specifier (default is US format)
IgnoreHeaders List of lower-case header keywords that will be stripped